About us !

About us (me)

Hi Everyone!

1) What does it offer?

The Language Circle in Liverpool is an international exchange of French, English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese... Who meet in different venues across Liverpool city centre. 

At the moment, it's a big event once month. 
Update : Leaf Tea Shop  gave us 2 dates per month Youuupiii !!!

Who are welcome? Everyone!  Who are willing to meet new and interesting people who want to learn a variety of languages and cultures in a friendly and relaxing environment.

2) How long has the language circle been running?

The language circle is a new initiative that I created at the end of January 2012. It was an old idea that I had but I just never got round in to doing it until now!!!

3) Do you receive any funding for the language circle?

NO! I have not received or in receipt of any founding at all.

At the moment, we have a donation box which we hope all participants could make a small contribution to. This will allow us to hold further activities like raffles which allow people to win small prizes at each gathering.

All the money we raise gets pumped back in to The Language Circle which allows us to continue are good work with the local community.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to hold much grander activities in the near future.

4) What are you trying to achieve by running this club?

The Language Circle offers a chance for all people of different back grounds to come together on a regular basis to have fun, improve our language skills, learn about our respective countries and generally have a good time doing it.  

If I can help people in some way, sharing some of my knowledge I learnt through my life then may I introduce you to one of my blogs, JOB & Internship UK (Link of the website). The purpose of this is not just to help people find jobs or internships but also to help people find accommodation and local information for services.

The Big Goal:  About one year ago, was to create a support center for foreign and English students in Liverpool. I set upon the task to help students in the UK to enjoy their life a little bit better, like me ;)

I give away free hints and tips and try to help them avoid the mistakes that some people have made like scams etc.

5) Do you think it has been successful so far?

Yes, it’s very new and I started advertising on Facebook just 1 week before the first event and 15 people turned up which made me really pleased! ;) 

6) Why is it important for people to learn different languages and cultures?

It’s important that people have a clear vision, with an open mind and to see how life is different in other countries.

It’s important to know what’s going on in other countries as some of these people are within and amongst our communities and it’s just great to see how they do things differently!

I think it’s very good to have the opportunity to meet different people from different backgrounds and to share all of this together. They are people from nurses, entrepreneurs, doctors, students, artists and even jobseekers and much, much more!

7) Do you think it will help international students socialise and make friends? 

I really hope so! The Language Circle can really help students make connexions with and amongst their communities.

The first step is always the hardest one but always the easiest one too when it comes to making friends.

The Language Circle is about socialising and meeting new people and friends!
8) What is your title? For example, are you the manager? Founder? ect.

I’m the owner, advertiser, organiser and host for the event!

9) Did you find it difficult to make friends and to socialise when you moved to the UK?

For me, not really because I have this extravagant personality but I’ve met a lot of people who feel really lonely and unsure so it’s why me and my team are here to help ;-)

10) Who helps you run the club?

I’m on my own, but no alone…

Well, once upon a time it was just me and after, I asked my sister to help me   create a flyer and then an anonymous guy helped me to print out the flyers. 

 I am not just alone ;)

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