Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy April Fool's - Joyeux Poisson D'april - Feliz Pescado de abril - Felice Pesce d'aprile - 愚人节快乐 - ハッピーエイプリルフール

Wikipedia April Fools in English
Wikipedia April Fools in Chinese
Wikipedia April Fools in Spanish
Wikipedia April Fools in French

What is April Fool's (Yes it's French lol)

An April Fool's joke or a hoax, you are doing on April 1, to his knowledge or his friends. It is also customary to hoaxes in the media, both print, radio, television and on the Internet.

For children, it is to hang a paper fish in the backs of those you wish to mock. "April Fools! "Is the exclamation that you push once a discovery is jokes.


The tradition may have originated in France in 1564. Legend has it that until then, had begun the year to April 1 (actually March 25 corresponded to the Julian calendar New Year's Day), at the feast of the Annunciation with the tradition of s' exchange gifts. But the King of France Charles IX decided, by the Edict of Roussillon, now that the year would begin on January 1, marks the lengthening of days, instead of late March, when spring arrives. But in fact, the calendar year has never started an April 1
If the exact origin of the use of fish remains obscure (perhaps ichthus Christian), it seems that many people found it difficult to adapt to the new schedule, others were not aware of change and they continued to celebrate on April 1, according to ancient tradition. To make fun of them, some took the opportunity to give them false gifts and play tricks. The gifts that we offered in April were mostly food. This date is at the end of Lent fasting period during which the consumption of meat is forbidden in Christianity, this fish was the most frequent. When the jokes were developed, one of the most common pitfalls of the offering was false fish. Thus was born the famous April Fools, fools day, the day of those who do not accept the reality or otherwise see.

Postcards from April 1.
Seem to have many uses in fact mixed with that of the carnival:
mark the release of the zodiacal sign of Pisces, the last sign of winter
extend the period of Lent, where it is allowed to eat only fish,
confused simpleton by offering him a fish at a time of year, the spawning, where fishing was prohibited.
In France, the early twentieth century, we sent nice postcards, all decorated with a joke and richly decorated.
The Dieppe Castle Museum preserves a large collection of postcards on this topic

This custom of making jokes spread in many countries, although the fish has not always export the same time:
Americans and the British kept their April Fool's Day (also talk about some Scottish Gowk or Cuckoo)
Germans have their Aprilscherz,
in addition to France, this custom also exists in the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Italy, Poland, Portugal, the United States, Switzerland, Sweden, or even Japan.
in Russia as it is called the "crazy days" (den dourakov). In Romania it is the "deception / deceit April 1" (one of păcăleală Aprilie).
in Portugal it is called "Day of Lies" (Dia das Mentiras)

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